Sunday, 3 August 2014

Rise of ABVP in my college


                     Recently in our college we had membership campaign of ABVP- Akhil Bharatiy Vidyarthi Parishad. And as I am the President of our college unit I had a great responsibility. I never worked in something like this. And this was the first time I was going to do something so big.

                     Just few day ago of membership campaign i attended Abhyas Wargh of ABVP. It was like a training camp of ABVP for 2 days. And I attended that for just 2 hours. In that 2 hours they gave a brief information about ABVP and I don't know what happened and what I listened to but I got a thing in my mind that "whatever happens I am gonna join this". Maybe because from childhood I wanted to do something for my nation. I used to give speeches and I used to always say that we need to do something, we need to do something  and this something was in front of me.

                     After that I asked my friend Nikhil Karampure who was already working with ABVP to give me more information about ABVP. Then I realized that ABVP is a organization which gives you the help you need to do anything to contribute in the development of this country. ABVP is organization which stands for you and against everything that is wrong. Then Nikhil said me that you can make your college a ABVP unit so that you can start your work in a big format. I was not sure that students of my college will support something like this, I shared these things with my friend Pratik Shinde and he said we will bring ABVP in our college whatever happens. And there it all started.

                     Then we started to find interested people from my college to work with us. Eventually  they made me President and Pratik Shinde- Vice President of ABVP unit of my college. And then we had to build the whole unit. We were just thinking that we will distribute all the posts in the students who said they will work with us, but then Anand Purohit said that we need to arrange a Membership Campaign in our college so that we can reach to maximum people of our college. 

                     Aanand Purohit, Vrushalitai Gokhale, Nikhil Karampuri the experienced people of ABVP, Anand Purohit- Secretary of ABVP Pune, Vrushali Gokhale- Organizing Secretary, ABVP Sinhagad road and Central pune, Nikhil Karampuri- Joint Secretary, ABVP Pune. These people really helped us through all these things. Can you believe that the people who runs ABVP in the whole Pune will help students like me whenever they need them! They have hundreds of colleges, thousands of students to look after but still they were there for us whenever we needed them. Even they came many times just to interact with the students in my college.  I never thought that someone who is awarded with so big posts would do all these things. I think this is the only organization where everybody works together overlooking their posts. Working with these people keeps inspiring me, a new passion has started in me for ABVP because of these people.

                    Everytime when I said working for ABVP means working for Nation. Because ABVP is organization of students which fights for students right to make a contribution in the development of India. Because we believe that "STUDENTS POWER is NATIONS POWER".



  1. Prof. Prem raj Pushpakaran writes -- 2025 marks the centenary year of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and let us celebrate the occasion!!! https://worldarchitecture.org/profiles/gfhvm/prof-prem-raj-pushpakaran-profile-page.html
